Sunday, August 9, 2015

Tips On Improving Concentration

If you do not concentrate on what you are doing, your labour on that work will not be so productive. For example, while doing a sum in Mathematics, or just copying down the solution, if you do not concentrate, you will end up understanding nothing. But if you concentrate, you will be successful in understanding the sum, and definitely will be able to answer it on your own.

Lets take a science lecture as another example. While the teacher is teaching, we are always busy to convert his/her speech into notes, without concentrating on what he/she is teaching. If you pay your entire attention on his/her speech, you will be able to make a note of it even some time later. So paying concentration makes a difference.

Before you start to do something, clear out your mind from all the negative or positive thoughts of the world. Close your eyes and stay in isolation for about five minutes before you start your homework, I promise that it will help. Take short five to ten minutes' break every half hour of forty-five minutes, eat something at that time or just have a small chit-chat with your sibling. Then close your eyes and keep calm for five minutes, and continue with your work. This will help.

One important thing. Stay away from your laptop or mobile while studying. It makes you divert your attention.

After three hours of study, have dinner, or watch television for about half an hour. This will clear up your mind. After this, sit down and make a note of what important things you completed today, and what is left, and make a new list of things to do. 

Strictly go to bed at 10.30 pm and try to think of good things before you sleep. It is recommended to have a short gap between you study and got to sleep. Try to maintain that gap. Getting enough sleep is another important factor to have a fresh mind in the morning.

1 comment:

  1. My main problem "Mobile and laptop"
    Cant stay away but will try to
    Thanks for the post
